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Инди, Рок

Eulogies is an indie rock band which formed in Los Angeles, California, United States in 2007. They consist of Peter Walker (vocals, guitars), Drew Phillips (guitar), Garrett Deloian (bass) and Chris Reynolds (drums).

Storytelling is a universal human instinct. Biographies of the recently deceased are the saddest form of storytelling that most people will ever know. People are remarkably good at it. Even those prone to shyness or believing themselves mealy‑mouthed find they can get their lips to move well enough to describe a few snapshots from the life of the dead.

Albums, like the various camera angles of the funeral eulogy, are like scenes of a movie. Albums are the writer's chance to tell a story ten times over, from ten different angles, to ten different melodies. Abundant is the creation and deferment of hope; innumerable questions of what keeps lovers apart; what keeps him from getting it together; why she screws up every time. A resourceful writer will rise and strike down hope constantly, put people out of love and into the acrid glare of lost trust a couple times; confess a dozen of his own sins while hiding behind the writer’s mask; take revenge on enemies, and so on. All the while, touching the brush to the canvas — as the pointillist does with stabs of color — dotting guitar chords, barroom piano hits, pump organ swells….

Eulogies' Peter Walker does just this on the band's debut collection. With his voice dipped in reverb, he gently reminds us of the pre‑histrionic honesty of Elvis at Sun Studios. With Chris Reynolds' drums pulsating at his back, Walker lays out his ten scenes.

«We're all swimming in the bottles of our own accord,» he intones in «Can't Relate.» Elsewhere, in «Under the Knife,» he confesses «pleasure comes without control …I’m scared to love what death can touch.» Another song, “Useless Amends” tells a lot in its title alone.

There’s a saying that a…читать далее ↓

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Tear The Fences Down 2011
Поделилась: Lusen

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