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Erlend Bratland

Поп, Эмо, Рок, Русский

Won «Norway's got talent» at the age of 16 in May 2008. Sang the song «Lost» by Anouk in the finale, and received nothing but positive feedback from the judges. One of the judges, Thomas Giertsen said that he «wouldn't be surprised» if Erlend won the competition.

Suprised the judges with his sort of «schizophrenic appearance on stage», as judge Jan Fredrik Karlsen (famous for his harsh comments as a judge on Norwegian "Idol") put it. Despite singing beautiful, softer songs, Erlend has a hardrock style (during the finale his hair was green), and the judges claimed this made him make an even stronger impression on the audience. Because of his looks, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton named him his doppelganger in an article.

Erlend's interests also include cooking.

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McMusic 44 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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