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Encode is a post‑rock band born in Varese (Northern Italy) in the Autumn of 2000, when Matteo, ( a former member of Nastenka), Andrea M. (Frozen Fracture) and Enter K’s rhythmic session ( Marcello and Andrea C. ) joined together to form a new band. Two guitars, one violin, bass and drums were Encode’s first formation, later on Elena (Nastenka’s former singer ) and Marco ( synth and electronics ) joined the band. After a short period in which the band was writing its music, they took part ( with the song “Fading here” ) in the Ghost Records compilation “Ghost town: 13 songs from the lake’s county”, then came the first gigs around Italy. Encode focused their efforts on studio work, and the recording of new tracks, which will be released by ghost records at the end of October 2003. It is difficult to map obvious references to previous musical genres, it is better described as a peculiar sound coming from each of its member’s own experience; Echoes of 60s psychedelic music, filtered through a post‑rock undercurrent. The band has a somewhat dissonant attitude to their music, however without compromising the very evident melody in each and every song. Elena’s voice floats between the decadent New York style and vintage soul, moving freely beneath the song’s structure.

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