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Dyce is a Swedish dance project consisting of Fredrich Wallin, Marcus Ljunggren, and Sofia Lovgren.
They released the albums «Dyce» and «Tomorrow Can Wait».

Sofia: Ex‑member of the group «Domino», Has been touring in Sweden and Europe.

Marcus: Songwriter and Keyboard player, started to play the piano already at the age of six, started to write songs at fifteen. Has done a lot of performances with other projects and he has known Fritz for many years, and has been working with him for some time, writing songs and touring with their groups «Bad Influence» and «Da Club» in Sweden and Europe

Fritz: Songwriter, guitarist and singer, has been touring with Marcus for some years. Formed his first band, «Indra's Daughter», and started to write songs at the age of 15. Has been touring in with Marcus in «Bad Influence» and «Da Club». About a year ago, Fritz and 'Marcus decided they needed a girl to sing their songs. They found Sophia!

Описание исполнителя
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Remixland 2009 Vol. 3 CD#1 2009
Поделилась: Lusen
Clubland Vol. 13 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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