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April 26th 2010 sees the release of the much anticipated Dreadzone album EYE ON THE HORIZON. Reflecting the band illustrious past and innovative releases, EYE ON THE HORIZON firmly picks up where the bands popular top 20 chart hit LITTLE BRITAIN left off. It reinvents the band with ten tracks that signify the move into fully formed songwriting against a backdrop of dubwise dancabilty. This style helped them to become one of the UK's original dance music pioneers, with a style that has since spawned many sub genres. MCing and reggae vocals partner the mix of live guitars, electronic beats and dub bass to perfection. The album features iconic samples (notably, the legendary theme from Long Good Friday on Gangster, a spoken word piece from Woody Guthrie and Dennis Browns Greensleeves classic Whip Them Jah on American Dread) all of which compliment the bass and beat heavy Dreadzone style perfectly.

The Dreadzone story began with Alan McGee‘s Creation Records and their first groundbreaking album 360, continuing with major waves their seminal 1995 album SECOND LIGHT picking up support from John Peel (who included the album in his top ten favourite albums of all time). The top 20 hit from that album LITTLE BRITAIN has since gone on to acquire classic status. Five critically acclaimed albums later they are set to remind people why the Dread sound is still very much a part of the musical landscape of this country. The core members Greg Dread, original bassmaster Leo Williams, the unmistakable MC Spee, legendary Studio One vocalist Earl 16 alongside Chris Compton on guitar and Chris Oldfield on technology make up the new line up. The bands influence extends not only out into the current scene as one of the pioneers of dub based music in this country, but rewinding to back in the day as the rhythm section of Mick Jones’ Big Audio Dynamite in the 80s. Their roots are embedded in the history of West London sound clash and with a drum and bass partnership of 25…читать далее ↓

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Dreadzone — Eye On The Horizon 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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