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DJ Pearl

Pearl is a globetrotter constantly in search of new sounds and clubbing experiences. Much before Pearl tried her hand at DJ’ing she was a confirmed party animal and club‑aholic, traveling across Europe in search of that perfect vibe.

She’s partied at the best clubs and been influenced by some of the finest DJ’s of our time. She loves travelling frequently to source her music ensuring her sound remains up to date.

Exposed to a myriad of music styles from a very young age, she has evolved her own unique bass driven sound that traverses the genres of funky, electro, tech and progressive house.

Since the start of her professional career she has played in clubs and headlined gigs all over India as a feature DJ.

Being one of the country’s most flamboyant DJ’s she’s also been widely covered in the media, both print and television.

She is also the co‑founder of submerge (www.submerge.co.in), India’s premiere underground party which serves as a platform for upcoming DJ talent.

Submerge is currently a weekly event in Bangalore at Fuga, and a monthly event in Delhi, Calcutta and Bombay. Its also enjoys season runs in Goa (the annual beach parties at Baga beach), Hyderabad, and Chennai.

Описание исполнителя
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Tuning Hitz 2009 2008
Поделилась: Lusen


Everybody Dance Now 5 2009
Поделилась: Lusen
Beach Party 2008 CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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