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Derek Walsh Webb (born May 27, 1974 in Memphis, Tennessee) is a singer‑songwriter, and a part‑time member of the band Caedmon's Call. In 2003, Derek left Caedmon's Call to pursue a solo career with the exception of occasionally still touring and singing with them. His first solo album, She Must and Shall Go Free is notable for causing controversy in Contemporary Christian Music circles; some Christian retailers refused to stock the album for its use of «strong» language.

Two songs were the basis for controversy. The first was Wedding Dress in which Webb compares Christians who seek fulfillment in things outside of Christ to a person committing adultery. An introspective tune, Webb writes that «I am a whore I do confess / I put you on just like a wedding dress». The second song that generated controversy was Saint and Sinner where Webb wrote" «I used to be a damned mess but now I look just fine, 'Cause you dressed me up and we drank the finest wine». The word damned was removed from the final version of the album, at the request of two major Christian retailers.

His second solo studio record, I See Things Upside Down, generated mixed reviews. All marketing to the typical Christian music stations used by his first solo album and his albums with Caedmon's Call was stopped, though the album still has explicitly Christian lyrics. In comparison to Webb's previous work, this album has what's been referred to as an «experimental» style to it, and has been compared to the music of Wilco in that respect. His third studio album, titled Mockingbird, was released on December 26, 2005. On September 1, 2006 he decided to offer the Mockingbird album, for free to download, at http://www.freederekwebb.com/. "|He| want|s| people to have a chance to listen to mockingbird and engage in the conversation (many sensitive issues including poverty, war, and the basic ethics by which we live and deal with others). So this is why, onчитать далее ↓

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Derek Webb — Stockholm Syndrome 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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