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De Toppers

Поп, Блюз

Otherwise known as Gerard, René & Gordon. Although the latter is frequently used and the names René, Gerard and Gordon (up until 2008) always appear on the album and single covers, the trio is generally known and refered to as De Toppers. While De Toppers is used as the official name of the group, variations of this have appeared on various releases (i.e., De Toppers Voor Oranje, De Kerst Toppers). As of fall 2008, Gerard Joling quit the trio. Dutch singer Jeroen van der Boom replaces Joling during the 2009 concert series and the Eurovision Song Festival entry.

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Eurovision 2009 CD#1 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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