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The best dance music can always be described in terms of dance moves, as is the case with Clubfeet. Their song “Edge of Extremes” will make you want to shoulder‑dance, and “D.I.E. Yuppiescum” will launch you into a flurry of punch‑dancing. Sebastian Cohen, Eaves Roberts, and Monty Cooper make fun dance music that isn't pretentious, boring, or repetitive like all the other shit. Oh, and they're Australian, which ups their hot factor by at least ten points.

But the truest expression of all that is Clubfeet can be seen in their unofficial video for “D.I.E. Yuppiescum.” Clubfeet’s singer and chief smoke machine operator, Cooper, explains that the footage came from cigarette ads aired throughout Australia and South Africa in the 80’s. Think Club‑med commercials, but with rich, hairy‑chested and/or deeply tanned Eurotrash lighting cigs in perfect sync with Clubfeet’s cheerful lyric, “d.i.e. yuppie scum (burn your house down).”

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Gold On Gold 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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