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Celtic Thunder


Debuting in Dublin, Ireland, on August 2007, Celtic Thunder is a group consisting of five male singers ranging from the ages of 17–41 (Damian McGinty, Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly, Paul Byrom and George Donaldson). While the other four are Irish, George is from Scotland.

Celtic Thunder is known for its eclectic style with songs ranging from a soloist to an ensemble focus. The group is backed by the Celtic Concert Orchestra, and their live shows are known for the use of dramatic effects via lighting and choreography as well as a stage set resembling an ancient stone pathway suggestive of those referenced in Celtic lore.


The members of Celtic Thunder are (in alphabetical order of family name):

Paul Michael Byrom (born April 11, 1979) is from Dublin, Ireland.[4] In addition to Celtic Thunder, he has also performed at major sporting events in Ireland and abroad, including singing at the All Ireland Finals in Dublin's Croke Park and at Heinz Field for a Pittsburgh Steelers game in the USA. He has also performed for Ireland's President, Mary McAleese, and for Emperor Akihito of Japan. Paul has released two albums: Velvet and I'll Be Home For Christmas.[5]

George Donaldson (born February 1, 1968) is the oldest member of the group and is a well‑known balladeer, guitarist and flutist from Glasgow, Scotland. At Scotland's Celtic Park, Donaldson played to 65,000 fans at the opening match of the 2000–2001 season.[5]

Keith R. Harkin, (born June 10, 1986), like Damian, is from Derry, Northern Ireland. He plays the guitar and has written one of the songs for Celtic Thunder: «Lauren and I».[6] In 2008, a new solo album by Keith was rumoured to be in the working stages but has not yet been released as of mid 2009. Keith enjoys surfing and has written a song called Chasing Dreams that articulates his love for it. Keith has now recorded more original songs apart from Celtic Thunder, some titles include: Vanity, Don't Lose the Feeling, and What I Like.

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Voyage 2012
Поделилась: Lusen
Take Me Home 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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