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Cathal Coughlan

Рок, Фолк

Cathal Coughlan is the former singer of Microdisney and The Fatima Mansions. Though his solo work may seem deceptively mellow, he has lost none of the bitter edge that made him great.

Cathal Coughlan has released three solo albums: Grand Necropolitan, Black River Falls and The Sky's Awful Blue. A fourth album, Foburg, based on a song‑cycle called «Flannery's Mounted Head» that Coughlan and The Grand Necropolitan Sextet have been performing live throughout 2005, was released in September 2006.

Cathal Coughlan's homepage: www.cathalcoughlan.com

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Rancho Tetrahedron 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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