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1). Carlito is an alias of James Mitton‑Wade, one half of Guardians of Dalliance

2). Carlito is the alias used by Jonny Jakobsen (real name) since 2005.
Jonny is from Sweden and started out as a country singer, but didn't really become famous until he morphed into Dr. Bombay, in which he as an Indian «taxi‑driverman» from Calcutta. His second album goes under the name Dr. Macdoo, which is a scottish parody. As Carlito he has released two albums (one only in Japan) and one greatest hits album.

3). Carlito is a tejano singer.

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Party Super Hits Vol. 1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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