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Борис Рубашкин

Русский, Шансон

The prominent opera singer, composer, dancer Boris Rubashkin has been popularizing the Russian songs and the Russian culture all over the world all his life.
He was born in Bulgaria (17.6.1932) to a family of Don Cossack Semen Chernorubashkin (his real name is Boris Chernorubashkin) and Bulgarian woman Teodora Lilova. Over 50,000 Russians escaped to Bulgaria in the Soviet era. The White Guard emigration has become his «collective teacher».
He never lived in Russia, but his father and Russian emigrants inculcated the love for this country in him forever. If he didn't have this love to Russia, he wouldn't be able to popularize Russian songs and the Russian culture all over the world.

This text it’s based on interview, which this legendary man (celebrated his 70th birthday on 2002) agreed to give PRAVDA.Ru (all text you can see below).

Boris Rubashkin: Russian Culture on the Brink of Abyss

16.08.2003 Source:
URL: http://english.pravda.ru/society/showbiz/3542-rubashkin‑0

«I don't see any definite objective of the policy carried out by the present‑day authorities of Russia»
The prominent opera singer, composer, dancer Boris Rubashkin has been popularizing the Russian songs and the Russian culture all over the world all his life. Now he lives in Austria, but is unfortunately forgotten in Russia. Boris Rubashkin sent an emotional letter to PRAVDA.Ru and complained about the oppressive indifference of Russia's authorities that are squandering the precious cultural possessions of Russia. Recently, the legendary man celebrated his 70th birthday and agreed to give PRAVDA.Ru an interview.
— From the point of view of your long experience, what is your opinion about the way that Russia is following now? Are we still losing our positions in foreign politics, in the cultural, scientific and economic spheres? Or have we already passed the critical moment, and the country is now reviving? What do you think is the main condition of restoration of…читать далее ↓

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Уличные песни 1978
Поделился: ingvard

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