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Benjamin Kastner, better known by his stage name Benjie, is a German reggae, dancehall and hip‑hop artist. Aged 12 he discovered music as a hobby, which would later become his career. At that time he made beats on his Amiga computer. Since 2004 he has released two albums: ‘So Gesehen’ and ‘Unterwegs’. He also works as a producer.

Critics commend his creativity and wittiness, but most of all he has gained popularity courtesy of his unmistakable voice. He became particularly well‑known in the reggae scene due to his song ‘Ganja Smoka’. His lyrics are humorous and witty, but also deal with more serious issues such as love, fascism and the consumption of cannabis, which he himself does not deny.

In 1994 Benjie had his first performance as a guest MC at Arawak. Between 1999 and 2004 he was supported by DPS‑Productions. ‘Ganja Smoka’ was Benjie's first major success. In 2002/03 DPS‑Productions made available a previously unreleased video of ‘Sommerzeit’ and a re‑release of ‘Ganja Smoka’, in collaboration with Def Jam Germany. In November 2003 DHF Records and Peperone Records brought out the album ‘So Gesehen’. Since 2005 he has released music with Gimme Mo' Records, including his second album ‘Unterwegs’.

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Ballermann Hits Party 2008 CD#1 2007
Поделилась: Lusen

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