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Autovein are a rock/alternative quartet from St. Louis, Missouri, USA consisting of Bryan Roach (lead vox, guitar), Zack Alexopulos (bass), Chris Capaletti (guitar) and Ben Miller (drums). They recorded their debut album in Jan 2005 with Garth Richardson (Rage Against The Machine, Chevelle) and and mixed it a couple of months later with Adam Kasper (Nirvana, QOTSA).

After a pinch of bad luck and poor timing, they found themselves off of their label (Columbia Records) and fighting for the right to release their record. In June 2006 they ran into Outlook Music in Denver, CO, who decided to release the CD. The overdue release was slated for early 2007. Their first single «Save Me» was available online October of 2006 and hit radio in the months thereafter.

In late 2009 the band released their second CD, «Souvenirs,» on iTunes.

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Autovein — Souvenirs 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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