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Extravaganza is a celebration of when pop was pretty innocent. In that sense, this album is brilliant. No silly Danja rifts. Just pure pop. Yes, there are the swear‑words and taken as a whole, the album excels in being rather rude in its content but highly clean in its sound and layout.

If you can recall a time before the pop princess emerged as a constant tabloid construct and the only real story was her singles and albums you’ll love Anniela’s new album. It retraces a sort of pop we rarely hear these days. There are no Bloodshy type songs here, Robyn‑ilk tracks are elsewhere and both RedOne and Danja productions are simply figments of the imagination.

This is pop as it was once: neat, structured, sexy, rude, indecent and pure. As such, it is beyond zeitgeist and thus Extravaganza is a great album. An extravaganza indeed!

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Electric 2011
Поделилась: Lusen
Anniela — Extravaganza 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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