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Adriana Calcanhotto


Adriana Calcanhotto is a Brazilian singer/songwriter who was born in 1965 in Porto Alegre. She started performing professionally in 1984 and released her first studio album in 1990. Her music is principally what would be considered MPB, "música popular brasileira"/"brazilian popular music". She is known for her soft, poetic songs and for her slightly experimental music that combines elements of various genres (world music, bossa nova, early yé-yé, folk and progressive music) in calm, poetic and well‑built melodic structures and lyrics.


Enguiço (1990)
Senhas (1992)
A fábrica do Poema (1994)
Maritmo (1998)
Público (2000)
Cantada (2002)
Adriana Partimpim (2004)
Maré (2008)
Adriana Partimpim 2 (2009)

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Putumayo Presents Brazilian Lounge 2006
Поделился: astarot

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