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Admiral Freebee

Рок, Альтернатива

«...each one gets the honey and each one gets the knife, but fools like us always survive...»
A non‑conforming magazine gave its music journalists a daunting task a couple of years ago, of having to sum up the new and upcoming records in just 1 single word. For Admiral Freebee's 'The Honey and the Knife' the word 'debut‑vibe' would be quite the fitting candidate. It is the keyword of a mature, well‑considered fourth album that is made with the candour of a first album.
Tom Van Laere is a curious and driven artist who likes to challenge himself. ‘Songs’ (2005) was partly built on the excitement that goes with having to record an album with a group of strangers in a far‑away city (Los Angeles) in just 7 days. For 'The Honey and the Knife' he found his motive and drive while walking. Are you familiar with The Walk Anyway Day? Translated rather freely as «keep walking, even if you don't feel like it or it doesn't matter». Van Laere left his guitar at home and composed the songs in his head while taking long walks across the city. He tested the new material, without introducing it first, in places where no one knew him. Where Amsterdam was his favourite spot to keep a low profile.
Admiral Freebee kept that 'feeling of a debut' as a result of it. A warm memory of the no man's land between the silver at Humo's Rock Rally 2000 and the release of 'Admiral Freebee' (2003). He follows his feelings and rekindles the bond with Jo Francken, the producer of the debut album. Many perils lay ahead. But he knows exactly what to do. «Nobody knows better what I can do than Jo. He has been my sound technician for ten years and the producer of the first album.»
The two men recorded the basic tracks in just a few days in the Motormusic (Koningshooikt) studio. After that, they had the luxury of being able to forget time in Studio Dam (the home‑studio of Francken), something Van Laere had never done before.*

'The Honey and the Knife' is…читать далее ↓

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The Honey And The Knife 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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