Touhou Eiyashou~Imperishable Night 2004

Arcade, PC 



Язык: Английский

Поделился: Ivan199631 мая 2011 в 13:11

Imperishable Night - 8 игра в серии данмаку-шутеров Touhou Project.


Данмаку (огневая завеса) - японский термин для обозначения игр с огромным количеством пуль, чаще всего скролл-шутеров.

В классических шутерах пули, как правило, направлены на игрока или упреждают его движение, быстры, но сравнительно редки. В данмаку же пули движутся медленнее, но их гораздо больше; зачастую большая часть игрового пространства бывает покрыта множественными слоями вражеских атак. Они могут быть направлены как на игрового персонажа, так и выстроены в узоры, ограничивая его передвижение, а то и расположены в случайном порядке. Эти узоры могут быть весьма запутанными и комплексными, что позволяет наслаждаться ими с эстетической точки зрения, однако между красотой и практической сложностью прямой зависимости нет. Тем не менее, необычность и сложность (как кажущаяся, так и реальная) атак являются «продающей» особенностью жанра.

Другой отличительной чертой, неизменно свойственной данмаку-шутерам, является маленький хитбокс - прямоугольный участок спрайта персонажа, попадение в который игра засчитывает как столкновение персонажа с объектом — пулей, врагом, итемом или элементом обстановки уровня.

Действие происходит в мистической стране Gensokyo. Кто-то заменил настоящую Луну фальшивкой, и вам, управляя четырьмя командами персонажей, необходимо разобраться в этом.

Illusionary Border Team - самая удобная для знакомства с игрой команда, состоящая из жрицы Reimu Hakurei и ёкая (японское сказочное существо) границ Yukari Yakumo.

Aria of Forbidden Magic Team - команда, состоящая из ведьмы Marisa Kirisame и радужного ёкая-кукловода Alice Margatroid

The Visionary Scarlet Devil Team - команда, состоящая из вампирши Remilia Scalet и её служанки Sakuya Izayoi

Netherworld Dwellers' Team - команда, состоящая из принцессы потустороннего мира Yuyuko Saigyouji и её садовницы Youmu Konpaku.

(имена дал в именительном падеже, так как не силен в склонении оных на английском, а тем более на японском)

Управление: Z - огонь

X - бомба

Shift (удерживать) - режим фокусировки (переключение на второго персонажа команды)

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Система подсчета очков

Scoring works similarly to many other Touhou games.

Enemies Any damage dealt to an enemy, whether it be dealt by a shot or a bomb, will increase the player's score, Cherry, and Cherry slightly. Defeating enemies will award the player with a slightly more points, although these tend to range in the hundreds, per enemy.

Grazing To graze a bullet, the player must come dangerously close to an enemy's bullet.. Depending on the phantom gauge, the points for grazing differ. Starting from the left, grazing while the meter is dark blue (-80% or -30%) each graze is worth 2000 points and adds three to the graze counter (for a total of 6000 points for each bullet grazed). Between this and -20%, each graze is worth a total of 4000 points and adds two to the graze counter. From here on out, grazes increase your graze counter by 1. From -20% to 20%, each graze is worth only 2000 points and adds one to the graze counter. From 20% to 80% (or 30%, for Youmu) grazes are worth 4000 points each. And when the gauge is above the last threshold, grazes are worth 6000 points each. The graze counter is used to calculate the Clear bonus and star item bonuses. It is possible to graze a bullet only once, meaning there will not be any additional points or grazes if a bullet is followed, although lasers can be continually grazed throughout their duration.

Point Items Whenever an enemy is defeated, there is a chance that it will release a point item. Whenever a point item is collected for maximum value, the number will be shown in yellow.

Mini-point items (little blue circles) are worth about 1/10 of a regular point item. A regular point item is worth the amount listed under the phantom gauge. This amount goes up by 10 for every 2 time orbs that are collected.

Picking up point items while the gauge is above -80% (or -30%, with Youmu) will double the value of the point items.

Power Items Whenever an enemy is defeated, there is a chance that it will release a power item. These increase the player's shot power, as well as give 10 points per item. When the player's shot is fully powered up, all onscreen power items become point items, and instead of power items being dropped, point items will drop instead.

Star Items A star item will appear anytime an enemy bullet has been cancelled out, which can happen when the player defeats the Spell Card/attack pattern of a boss, reaches maximum power, defeats a certain type of enemy, or when a bomb erases the enemy bullet. The value of a star item is based on the number of grazes the player has, as shown in this formula:(graze/40)*10 300.

Time Orbs Exclusive to Imperishable Night, time orbs are believed to slow the passing of the night, and are essential to scoring in the game. The value of a time orb depends on the number of total point items that the player has collected. They are worth [# of point items / 2] X 10, and the minimum value of a time orb is 100 points.

Time orbs appear in one of five ways:

  • Collecting a spell card bonus
  • Firing at enemies while in -80% human mode
  • Grazing during bosses while in 80% phantom mode
  • Causing enemy slaves to be detonated by destroying their master
  • Destroying enemies while in -80% human mode or 80% phantom mode

The effects of collecting them are:

  • If a certain number is collected in a stage, the game clock only advances 30 minutes, as opposed to an hour. The player will also have a chance to face the stage boss' last spell.
  • For every two orbs collected, the point counter increases by 10 points.
  • Each time orb that is collected in human mode bumps the phantom gauge toward the human side. The reverse happens when a time orb is collected in phantom mode.
  • Collecting a time orb during a spell card will increase the spell card bonus by 8000 points.

Enemy Bullet Bonus Whenever a boss or mid-boss' health bar is reduced by one, or their Spell Card is defeated, all onscreen bullets are nullified, and they are tallied up to calculate the enemy bullet bonus. The more enemy bullets onscreen at the time, the higher this bonus becomes.

Spell Card Bonus Whenever a boss or mid-boss' Spell Card is defeated within the allocated time limit, without being hit or using a bomb, the player will recieve a Spell Card bonus, which is added to the total score. The intial value of the Spell Card bonus will vary depending on which Spell Card is being used, however, as the timer decreases, so will the value of the bonus recieved as well, which is usually rounded to the nearest five-thousand, however, it will increase by (Cherry / 1,500) x 20 2,500 for every graze the player has.

Clear Bonus At the end of each stage, you will be provided with bonus points based on how well you performed. The bonus is calculated like this:

- 10,000,000 (Stage 1)
-15,000,000 (Stage 2)
- 20,000,000 (Stage 3)
- 25,000,000 (Stage 4, Uncanny or Powerful)
- 30,000,000 (Stage 5)
- 35,000,000 (FinalA)
- 40,000,000 (FinalB)
- 66,600,000 (Extra)

Point x 50,000 (point items collected in the stage)
Graze x 500 (graze count for that stage)
Time Orbs x 1,000 (time orbs collected in the stage)

In addition, if the stage happened to be the last stage, the following is added:

- Player x 25,000,000 (lives in stock, not including the current one)
- Bomb x 5,000,000 (bombs in stock)
- Night Bonus x 20,000,000 (every 1/2 hour left before 5:00 am)

Finally, depending on the conditions played under, the result is multiplied by these modifiers, rounded down to the nearest 10:

- 4 Initial Lives: x 0.5
- 5 Initial Lives: x 0.2
- 6 Initial Lives: x 0.1
- 7 Initial Lives: x 0.05
- Easy Difficulty: x 0.5
- Normal Difficulty: x 1.0
- Hard Difficulty: x 1.2
- Lunatic Difficulty: x 1.5
- Extra Difficulty: x 2.0

The end result is then added on to your score.

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Как в неё играть просветите плиз?
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а может еще файты по ней выложить? Хотя тут тех кто с Touhou знакомы мало найдется..
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Фантасмогория лучше!
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Не понятная что‑то вообще.
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ухххты а по Русски можна Кулфейс

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что это за хрень!?
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