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There are 3 bands with the name Tribute.

1. Swedish Symphonic rock band, founded 1982 by Gideon Andersson and Josef Rhedin.
The band released 3 studio albums between 1984 and 1991 and one live album in 1990. Gong's Pierre Moerlen featured on their first two albums.

2. Tribute is a Burlington‑based band that covers classic rock songs.

3. Tribute were a Hardcore Punk band who were a part of the mid 90's UK Emo scene along side bands such as Bob Tilton, Baby Harp Seal and Schema.
They released two 7" singles (1995's Names In Concrete and 1996's Torch Songs), a split 7" with the UK band Beacon and appeared on 3 compilations (94's Autotomy 7", 95's How We Rock Flexi 7" and 97's A Means To An End 12").

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Licence To Dance 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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