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Carl Dalemo

Carl Dalemo is the bassist of the Anglo/Swedish band Razorlight. In his native Lidköping, Sweden, he sang and played guitar for over five years with different bands.

Shortly after arriving in England, he was called by friend, the guitarist Björn Ågren, who suggested that he try out for the band he was playing in. Carl had never played bass until he arrived at a Razorlight rehearsal, but his fairly simple playing immediately provided a backup for the band, allowing Ågren, drummer Christian Smith Pancorvo (later replaced by Andy Burrows) and singer/songwriter Johnny Borrell a usual rhythmic and melodic freedom.

He is also a keyboard player, and played a Mellotron M400 at Razorlight's gig at Live 8.

He was once famously arrested during a May Day demonstration for urinating on Whitehall.

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Bravo Hits Vol. 64 CD#1 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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