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Winter's Verge

When they talk about exotic bands, most central Europeans in the know primarily mean combos from South America, Asia or the Middle East. It is often hard to see that anything exotic can actually be just next door. Until now, Cyprus was never marked on the world map of Heavy Metal. This will drastically change in 2008 because the Cypriot band WINTER'S VERGE and their debut album, 'Eternal Damnation' is sure to catapult Cyprus into the daily life of the Hard Stuff. 'Eternal Damnation' combines epic Metal with high quality progressive elements and passionate, positive Metal Power and tops it all with touching melody lines. The songs are exciting and manifoldly constructed and the band was careful to mix intelligent songwriting with the wildness of the Old School. Determination is another of the young band's strengths who, despite their exotic status, are in no way dependent on crumbs thrown their way by the international press. WINTER'S VERGE know their own strength and quality. 'Eternal Damnation' has enough going for it to heave WINTER'S VERGE straight into the Premiere League of European Metal Bands.

All this didn't come about overnight. September 2003 saw WINTER'S VERGE founded by George Charalambous (vocals) and Stefanos Psillides (keyboards). Only a short while later, they were joined by guitarist Pericles Mallopoulos. It didn't take long to decide on their musical direction or to begin looking for other like‑minded musicians. On an island like Cyprus, however, it proved to be a bigger problem than it would be on the mainland. The next candidate they found was drummer Andreas Charalambous and shortly after this they wrote their first own songs. It soon became clear that they needed to find a bass player pdq, not only to rehearse the songs better but also so that the highly motivated band could play their first live shows. The search took over five months before the right bass player was found in Charis Ioannou. Yet it still took a further year before they…читать далее ↓

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Winter's Verge — Tales of Tragedy 2010
Поделился: Morgans

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