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There are several bands that are called Cooper.

One of them is a band from Nashville. Ben plays piano and performs the vocals, Matt whacks the drums and Will is on bass (and whistles).

There is also a Swedish powerpop band with the same name.

There is also a dutch melodic punkrock band with the same name. Who released five albums. Two of them produced by Bill Stevenson of the Descendents/ALL. Their most recent record is called 'Right Now!' and is released in September 2009

There is also a Spanish artist, Alejandro Diaz, who used to be in Los Flechazos — http://www.myspace.com/cooperartist.

There is also a UK‑based acoustic solo artist with the same name.

There is also a Brooklyn/NYC‑based five‑piece pop/rock band named Cooper.

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Maximum Dance Vol. 1 2009
Поделилась: Lusen
Ministry Of House Vol. 15 CD#2 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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