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Get in, Get Fucked and get out, these are the 7 words that prompted the existence of Viking Skull. Realising that the 4 years on the road with Raging Speedhorn had temporarily stopped for a well earned break, assorted members of RSH band and Crew faced the very real prospect of the booze drying up for a few months. Roddy Stone, RSHs long time guitar tech reasoned with the rest of Speedhorn, still left in Corby, that all they had to do for the free beer to continue was form a local band and play local clubs. Its gonna be easy he said, All we gotta do is, get in, get fucked and get out.

So, as with many great things in rock music, the impetus for the formation of Viking Skull was alcohol. Free alcohol at that. For Roddy, Darren, Gordon, Frank and Waldie, the lure of a free pint was enough to encourage them to play a few songs at a local jam night, held weekly at the ex‑servicemans club in their home town of Corby. Their improvised sessions combined foot‑stomping old‑school metal riffs with bluesy overtones and elaborate guitar solos. The ex‑servicemans club shut down, but that wasnt going to get between these musicians and their beer, and they soon relocated to the jam night at Kettering Town Football Club a few miles away.

As their appearances grew ever‑more frequent, the five piece decided that some rehearsal time would give them a chance to fine‑tune their style and write some original songs to play, rather than resorting to covers. With more free pints and the eye‑catching name of Viking Skull, the bands local notoriety and popularity grew until, in early 2002, they decided to lay down some of their self‑penned songs.

Two days in Premier studios in Corby produced six outstanding and ingeniously‑titled tracks:
1. Beers, Drugs and Bitches.
2. Wizards Sleeve.
3. Frostbite.
4. Rape, Pillage and Burn.
5. Crazy Trucker.
6. Skull Heaven.

Known simply as 'CHAPTER ONE' the e.p. was released October 6th 2003. The bands first performances outside of Northamptonshire…читать далее ↓

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Classic Rock The Best Of 2008 2008
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