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Clive Wright,, has been in the music industry for more than 20 years. He is an experienced writer and producer of many styles of music, and remains on the cutting edge of current styles, production techniques and technology.

Originally from the City of Bath in the U.K., Clive relocated to the United States in 1979 he soon after was a founding member of the band Broken English who placed songs in the 1983 film release ‘Karate Kid’ and later signed a recording deal with polygram under the name ‘Broken Edge’ Clive at this point had left the group and co‑founded another CBS band, Cock Robin.
Cock Robin achieved platinum record sale figures all over Europe and performed on the Johnny Carson and Dick Clark shows back in the U.S. they have recently reformed and have performed and recorded together as recently as 2006

As a writer and musician, Clive has worked with a number of diverse artists such as: Pete Byrne of Naked Eyes, Kim Carnes, Human Drama, members of Tears for Fears and Peter Gabriel.

Since 1987 Clive has worked independently as a composer and producer of artists and of radio and television commercials. He has scored several movies, produced and written with Def Jams Montell Jordan, and 'Black Eyed Peas' and worked as a core composer for LA music houses.
In 2004 Clive recorded an album with Harold Budd, famed for his ambient compositions with Brian Eno & performed live at a KCRW sponsored event at Disney Hall in LA.
He has since Recorded 2 more ambient collaborations with Harold Budd. 'Candylion' and "little Windows' all 3 albums are available on Darla records. a solo Ambient album is currently being recorded. and a live Ambient guitar album 'Taqsim to Antlia' is available on Darla Records
Official Website: http://desertskymusic.com/

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Little Windows 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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