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Swedish producer/composer/artist/vocalist Christian Falk returns with his second solo album. «People Say», the follow‑up to «Quel Bordel» (released in 1999). Guests on «People Say» include Robyn, Christian's daughter Vanessa, Ola Salo of much‑talked‑about glamrockers The Ark, and the very same Demetrius that was featured on Christianís year 2000 European smash hit «Make It Right». Falk was through the 90's mainly a producer/remixer working in his native Stockholm but also in New York with clients including Puff Daddy, Notorious B.I.G, Youssou N'Dour, Neneh Cherry, Shabba Ranks and Robyn.

In 1999 Falk returned to being a performing artist in conjunction with the «Quel Bordel» album (in the late 80's he was a member of the then biggest Swedish rock combo, Imperiet). But beside a couple of concept soul/jazz albums under the moniker «Swedish Open» it took until 2006 to finalize an album's worth of material.

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Now Thats What I Call Music 71 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen


TopDance 2009 Vol. 1 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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