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Suzy is a Ladino (Judeo Spanish) Singer. Ladino is ancient Spanish, surviving hundreds of years through Spanish Inquisition, by the Jewish people, preserving their culture and language.

Suzy’s involvement in music is a recent development that began in an unexceptional manner. Upon the death of her aunt and grandmother, she decided to create an album to record the songs that she grew up with. It started with the simple idea of making a permanent recording of the songs her grandmother would sing to her, and ones that she in turn sang to her sons in their early childhood. What started as a simple recording exercise meant to be shared and enjoyed by family and friends, has taken on a life of its own, and has led to the experiences Suzy has enjoyed over the past few years. Some of those experiences include;

• The release of her first album, Herencia, (Heritage – licensed by Tropical Music, Germany) in 1998, containing 10 Ladino (Judeo‑Spanish) songs. This album became successful in Israel and Europe.

• The release of her second album Estos y Munchos (Many Happy Returns) in Israel in 2001.

• The release of her third album Aromas y Memorias (Aromas and Memories) as an original Ladino album, a project in cooperation with poet Margalit Matitiahu.

• Performances in various countries such as: U.S., Turkey, Georgia and Israel.

• Tracks from both her albums have been included in over twenty different World Music compilations worldwide.

• A role in an educational film directed by Dror Baruch, about violence in schools. The film won an award in Greece, is now part of the curriculum at Israeli schools, and will soon be a part of the education curriculum in the U.S.

• A role in Dror Baruch's second film about single parenthood.

• Her music featured in Victor Braun's film — 'Herencia'.
She herself featured singing one of her songs from her third album (Aromas Y Memorias) in Victor Braun's film 'Jerusalem Syndrome'.…читать далее ↓

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Suzy Solar — Solar Power Sessions 426 (2009.12.08) 2009
Поделился: Vadima
Italo Dream Vol. 16 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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