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Sheila Chandra

В мире, Эмбиент

Born in South London to a South Indian immigrant family, Sheila Chandra discovered her voice at the age of twelve and whilst at Theatre Arts school. From this moment her chosen path was to be a singer. Lacking any real contacts or access to the music business, she nevertheless honed her vocal skills as a labour of love, spending up to two hours a night throwing her voice into the tall, draughty and uncarpeted stairwell of the family home: «I didn't know how to manufacture an opportunity, but I was determined that when a chance came my way I would be ready.»

A chance did come her way, perhaps drawn by the weight of such unshakable belief. Steve Coe, a writer and record producer, was about to form a band as an outlet for his increasingly Indian influenced material. He came across Chandra's voice on an old audition tape, lying in a box at Hansa Records and knew that he had found his singer: «The richness, fluidity and quality of her voice struck me immediately. And then when I requested a photo from the file and found that Sheila was Asian, everything else seemed to fall into place.»

'Monsoon' put out an EP on Steve Coe's newly formed 'Indipop' label and were signed by the far sighted Dave Bates at Phonogram. The band's first single 'Ever So Lonely' took a song written around a raga and, utilising the new production techniques available, came up with an irresistible but radical modern pop fusion sound. It was a top ten hit and notched up a quarter of a million sales worldwide.

Following singles did not manage to dent the top twenty and six months later Chandra walked away from it all, frustrated by the increasing lack of communication between Phonogram and Monsoon over artistic direction. She went back to the Indipop label to learn her craft as a writer and musician. Free from business constraints and in complete control of her creative life, there followed a remarkable and prolific two‑year period. Her first four solo albums for the label…читать далее ↓

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Heroes 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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