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Поделиться альбомом

Everything happened towards the end of 2003 when a debut album from a new Portuguese band hit the stores. The Album was called All Bout Smoke N Mirrors and the band Fingertips.

The band made up of Zé on vocals, Rui Saraiva on Bass, Domingos Alves on Piano, Alexis Dias on Guitar and Jorge Oliveira on Drums started out trying to make their way through the modern Portuguese music scene singing in English. The band worked hard to get in the limelight and nothing was left to chance as their intention was to win over the hearts of the Portuguese public and beyond.

In October of 2006 after a hot summer full of performances Fingertips released another single entitled Move Faster a song that promises to warm our souls. Move Faster makes us travel through time. The melody takes us back to the huge riffs of the 80’s with strong guitars, drum sounds and to finish off a riff that guides you to a memorable chorus.

Описание исполнителя
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Venice 2011
Поделилась: Lusen


Like A Superstar 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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