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Max Riolo

MAX RIOLO Dj producer, he was born in Sicily in 1974, where since 2nd half of 80’s he starts his career playing in clubs. In early 90’s he starts realizing his sets for various broadcast stations, whereas working also as a music selector & radio technical director. His musical taste was strongly influenced by jazz and electronic pop wave that will leave a trace in almost every Max Riolo’s production. In 2004 a lot of changes happen in his life; first of all he meets his wife Silvia and with her, in 2005, he creates an independent label, AudioBit. Since debut, every release captures appreciation of press, djs & listeners. Now Max Riolo is totally busy developing AudioBit projects and seeking 4 new talents. See 4 more details AudioBit official web site: www.audiobit.it

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House Electro & Love 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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