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‘Lush, uplifting, and self‑released.’ PUBLIC SYMPHONY album named 2006 Critics’Choice in The Times

‘A Pink Floyd for the Coldplay generation. Some of the most soothing beautiful sounds you will ever hear. A stunning piece of work.’ 4/5 The Works

‘Actually bottles human spirit...A confident accomplished album..’ 4/5 The Knowledge

‘Public Symphony have everything they need except major label backing...A trip to Dreamworld. Watch this space.’ 4/5 Mojo

‘It really is a beautiful record. Records this good, this affecting don’t come along very often.’ 8/10 Classic Rock

‘Expansive, uplifting and totally convincing. Tremendous.’ 5/5 Get Ready To Rock

‘This album gets better each time you listen to it.’ 8/10 Outline

http://www.publicsymphony.com/video/PubSymphEPK_HI.mov – watch a 2-minute introduction movie


Public Symphony are Dobs (vocals, piano, guitar, programming) and James (piano, bass guitar, drum programming and production). Friends guest on the album and make up the band; electric guitar, drums, backing vocals etc.

Dobs also creates music for TV and James produces dance tracks.

Public Symphony have self‑produced, mixed and mastered, and are self‑releasing their self‑titled album.


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Armada Lounge 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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