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A SERIOUSLY under‑rated 80's group out of Brooklyn, New York that were famous for «Still My Girl» «Right Next to Me» and «Do We have a Chance for our Love»; all received much fame on Quiet‑Storm playlists. Members collaberated with UTFO and Full Force. One of the only 'Old School' rap groups to have hit records as a singing group.

CDs are: «Whistle», « Transformation », « Always and Forever », « Get the Love », and the « Best of Whistle ».

The Best of Whistle
Label: Select Records
Released: December 19, 1995

01. Chance for Our Love
02. Right Next to Me
03. Jennifer
04. Barbara's Bedroom
05. Always
06. Falling in Love
07. Always and Forever
08. Still My Girl
09. If You Don't Say
10. (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'

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Dance Classics Vol. 17 & 18 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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