Похожие исполнители

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There are at least two artists under this name:

1)From the Dominican Republic, Julian (also from "Oro Solido") is a merengue singer, who mostly plays a folkloric merengue called perico ripeao.

2)Julian is an embitious young composer and song writer who was born in Upper Austria in 1982. He hasn't published many songs but he is on the right way.
He was taught the flute, the piano and the drums but also learned how to play the guitar, the trumpet, clarinette and some more instruments.
He now studies in vienna Theatre- Film- and Mediascience. We'll surely hear again from this young talent.

Описание исполнителя
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Dance Chart Vol. 21 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen
Dance Chart Vol. 22 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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