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DJ Sakin is Sakin Bozhurt. DJ Sakin has played an influential role in the then‑subculture Techno‑scene since 1990. Among other things he is known for his appearances as resident DJ in the Wartburg (Wiesbaden/1990) and in the Music Hall (Frankfurt/until 1993) — the same clubs that served as stepping stones to a great career for big names like Michael Münzing (Snap), Taucher or Mark Spoon. Today, Sakin is the resident DJ of Darmstadt's well‑known club «Prodo‑X». DJ Sakin belongs to the group around DJ Taucher. It is therefore no surprise that Sakin has been co produced by Torsten Stenzel, who has built his reputation on projects with Taucher, Ayla, York and many others and who is seen by many as one of Germany's top producers today. In 1998, DJ Sakin delivered the perfect Trance‑hymn on Overdose, «Protect Your Mind (BraveHeart)». It has since established itself as the highlight of every club night and is a much‑played hit on many radio stations. The tune of «Protect Your Mind» was taken from the movie «BraveHeart». Vocals are sung by Janet Taylor, who has also been the singer of all Hooklines of B.G. Prince Of Rap (This Beat Is Hot). Today DJ Sakin belongs completely to the Overdose Family und he still tours around the Globe.

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Club Sounds — Club Classics Vol. 3 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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