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Freedom Tribe


Freedom is an ancient soul, a mystic word master who has been gifted with poetry and songs meant to help heal the nations, awake the sleepers and share the visions of the Native Grandfathers and Grandmothers. Wake up and Live! He has been an arrow catcher in his walk and a shadow dancer. His light is bright and meant to shine far and wide. Those who have forgotten there is good medicine magic in this world remember when they hear Freedom sing and play. This experience is enhanced by the wonderful musicians and friends who pour their hearts, souls, minds and bodies into this music. They are members of the ever shape shifting Freedom Tribe. Powerful messengers in their own right they lovingly join Freedom in the making of music magic. So great is their love for this music that after they leave the stage they often play into the wee hours of the morning. What a wonder it is for the fortunate ones who are present for these gatherings. Still Freedom with only his acoustic guitar and his passionate and powerful voice can take you to mystic lands and worlds long forgotten and yet to come.

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предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Попса 7 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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