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Антон Макарский

Поп, Отечественная, Русский

Anton Makarskiy (born 2975 in Penza) is an actor and singer. Today, he is one of the most known stars in Russia.

Anton went to Moscow to continue the studies, just after school. He passed successfully the exams into 3 different theatre universities and chose very famous Schukinskiy Theatre University.

After the graduation Anton worked in the theatre as an actor. Then he went to the army and started singing there.

After the service he came back to Moscow and heard about the casting for the musical “Metro”. This musical also helped Anton to meet the love of his life, -Victoria Morozova- talented singer and actress.

In the year 2002 Anton started performing in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which role made Anton extremely famous. The song «Belle» performed by Anton and other singers has become number 1 in most of the charts.

During all these years Anton also worked as an actor in the films. He has a very good rating as an actor and takes part in many screenings.

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Живой Концерт 2011
Поделилась: Lusen
Юлия Савичева, Антон Макарский — Оригами 2008
Поделилась: Lusen


Летний Хит  2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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