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Sound Bridge


Sound Bridge is a three‑headed producer's collective / band based in Groningen, the Netherlands. Their goal is to build a bridge between the nostalgic, electronic Pop‑Rock sound that was predominant throughout the 80's era and modern day Dance music. In 2005 Dutch all round (80's) musician and vocalist Arjen Jager teamed up with Egbert Dunselman and French born Pierre Pratley, two long time friends who share a love for electronic music production and a Mediterranean lifestyle. In the following months they worked very hard on their first production as a team, shunning daylight in Egbert's self‑proclaimed bedroom cum studio, a dusty attic room located in one of Groningen's dilapidated student quarters just outside the city centre.
Only their mutual and unprecedented love for music, good merlot wine and homemade foods (cooked on an electric camping stove) could have resulted in a debut record such as this. Sound Bridge The Story Of is a delightful blend of eighties pop‑rock, combining Arjen's trademark vocal skills, reminiscent of some of the greatest names of that era and Egbert Dunselman and Pierre Pratley's choicest production magic. Please feel welcome to join us in the tasteful world of Sound Bridge

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Promo Only Mainstream Club March CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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