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Поделиться альбомом

David Page

В мире

In the 1980's David studied saxophone, voice, composition and song at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music (CASM) at Adelaide University. In 1989, he moved to Sydney and teamed up with brothers Russell and Stephen, where he first created music for dance, working with The Aboriginal and Islander Dance Theatre. David joined the Bagarra Dance Theatre as resident composer in 1990. He composed scores for Bangarra's major works. David performed with Bangarra at WOMAD concerts in Adelaide and Johannesburg in 1999.

David has also contributed music to television, composing for Heartland, Pride (part of the Seven Deadly Sins series) and Poison for the ABC, and writing themes for Songlines, Living Black and Pioneers of Love for SBS.

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Super Hits Dance One Night Discoteque 2007 CD#1 2007
Поделился: astarot

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