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Fans of Black Star (Hip Hop/Rap), please change your ID3 tags (the artist name in your jukebox software) from BlackStar to Black Star (notice the space). This will register your plays on the right Black Star page. Thank you.

Blackstar was formed after the demise of Carcass, with their one album, Barbed Wire Soul, continuing in the vein of Carcass' Swansong (i.e. away from the grindcore of that band's early works). In some areas the album has been released under the band name Blackstar Rising, presumably for legal reasons and apparently without the knowledge of the band itself (versions of the album can be found under both names). Drummer Ken Owen fell victim to a brain hemorrhage during recordings for a second album, and with him unable to continue, the band folded. Owen has since been reported as getting better.

Blackstar is also a jungle crew with varied members of Congo Natty led by Rebel MC 

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Dj Dan Drum&Bass Classic (Ragga Tunes) 2007
Поделился: astarot

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