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Bifrost is the name of at least 7 bands:

1. Bifrost (Denmark) — Rock
Band formed in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1974. The band plays a mixture of pop and rock music, often with lyrics critical of the current society.

2. Bifrost (Netherlands / Meerssen / Limburg) — Pagan Thrash Metal
Band formed in 1992. They released a demo ("Western Magick") and two albums «Pagan Reality» in 1995 and «The Wildest Fire» in 1996. After a short split‑up they reformed as CONQUERED MY FEAR, recorded another demo and then morphed back to be BIFROST for a final album called «Mythistory» in 1998. They were very influenced by CELTIC FROST and SABBAT (UK). Their first two albums are still available @ www.thebasar.org

3. Bifrost (Swe) — Black Metal

4. Bifrost (Austria) — Melodic Death/Black Metal

5. Bifrost (Spain / Santander / Cantabria) — Heavy Metal

6. Bifrost (Mexico) — Black Metal

7. Bifrost (France) — RAC'n Roll

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Bifrost — Heidenmetal (2010) 2010
Поделился: Shur86

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