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Johnny Klimek was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1962. At the age of 17, he travelled around Australia with drums and bass in amateur pub bands. In 1983 he moved to Berlin, where he, his brother Alf Klimek and twin sister Jayney Klimek founded the band The Other Ones. In 1987 he started to work in his own studio.

He produced and remixed countless tracks, including work from Paul van Dyk which reached the charts in England and Germany. In 1996, he toured as a bass player with Nina Hagen. In that same year, he began working with keyboarder Reinhold Heil from Spliff (former Nina Hagen Band) on the music for the movie «Wintersleepers». In 1998, he worked on the film music for «Run Lola Run», and had a top ten chart hit with the song «Wish». Other film projects with Pale 3 followed which consist of Johnny Klimek, Tom Tykwer and Reinhold Heil, e.g. «Perfume — The story of a murderer».

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Blood And Chocolate 2007
Поделился: astarot

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