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Electro Nation

«Electro Nation» is Gabi Harary from Tel Aviv,Israel, age 30. Electro Nation is a new Trance band with a fresh new psychedelic electro Trance sound. Gabi started to creat music in the age of 21, under the name «G.F.H» in «Nafflin Rec» ... after some G O O D years with project like «California Sunshine», «Adrenalin Drum» and today «Electro‑Nation».... Gabi also Released a lot of his music in diffrent compilations all over the World... With The Name Electro‑Nation Gabi is Rocking The Dance floor in many partys all over the world aspacially in japan, where the last album was released, in «Sigma Rec,Jap». Electro Nation came out with some tracks in different compilation cds as well as a track on Japan's leading Trance DVD X‑Mode Vol.6. No doubt that his new sound is a corner stone in the Psychedelic & Full‑on Trance music development of the early 21st century.

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Mother Hackers 2007
Поделился: astarot

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