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Arkarna was an English electronica/rock band from London, United Kingdom comprising vocalist and programmer Ollie Jacobs, guitarist James Barnett, guitarist Lalo Creme, and drummer Sebastian Beresford.

Some of Arkarna's more popular songs are «House On Fire» and «Eat Me», both of which appeared on Arkarna's debut album Fresh Meat. «House On Fire» is also well known as it appeared on the Batman & Robin soundtrack, Friends, and the O.C. Another song from Fresh Meat, «So Little Time», was to feature as the theme song for the similarly titled television series «So Little Time» starring Mary‑Kate and Ashley Olsen.

Arkarna's second release titled The Family Album produced the singles «Skin», «Rehab» and the no. 1 radio tune «Life Is Free». Arkarna are currently on indefinite hiatus as its members work on other projects which include UK pop band Ellectra.

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Batman & Robin 1997
Поделился: astarot

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