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Double R.E.L.

Double R.E.L. are: Ariel Ram (1979, Tel Aviv aka Happyleptic)
& Ariel Sela (1983, Kfar‑Saba aka The Farting Parrot).
Ram discovered psytrance music at the age of 15, and since that day, psytrance and music in general became his reason for living. His musical background contains a lot of death metal and oriental music, and he is also playing the guitar since the age of 12. In 1998 he started making psytrance professionally in his home studio, under the name Happyleptic.
His partner, Ariel Sela, discovered psytrance at the age of 15 and has a musical background which contains guitar and keyboard playing and a lot of rock n roll & funk music. The RELs met in a blind date on the internet some years ago and since than it has been a true «love story». They started creating psychedelic trance music that can only be described as dark, intense and funny, while taking it to the edge and trying to make it different.
Their influences start with X‑Dream and go through more of the bigger names in the scene like MFG, Little Blue Men, Weirdo Beardo, Tsuhyoshi and many more… Their style is very unique and special, and after so many tracks released on several albums, their first album which will be out soon is promising some tasty surprises!

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Tribal Night In Africa 2007
Поделился: astarot

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