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Bombay Rockers

Поп, Хип хоп

The Danish‑Indian pop duo consists of 25-year‑old Navtej Singh Rehal (Vocals, Guitar & Keyboards) and 25-year‑old Thomas Sardorf (Vocals & Keyboards).

Together with the Danish producer Janus Bosen Barnewitz, the band aims at creating a fusion between Bhangra and Western musical expressions such as R&B, pop, and hiphop.

Performance‑wise Bombay Rockers puts on an electrifying live‑performance which includes break‑dancers, Indian folk and belly‑dancers.

Описание исполнителя
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Summer Jam 2007 Vol.1 2007
Поделился: astarot
Радиохит 2007 Vol.49 2007
Поделился: astarot
Радиохит 2007 Vol.19 2006
Поделился: astarot

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