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Project X, a popular group name, could refer to one of at least six musical ensembles, but only one matters.

A short‑lived late 1980s NYC straight edge hardcore band, featuring John Porcelly (Youth Of Today, Judge), Walter Schreifels (Gorilla Biscuits, Youth Of Today), Alex Brown (Side By Side, Gorilla Biscuits) and Sammy Siegler (Side By Side, Youth Of Today, Judge).

They only played a handful of shows on the east coast, and also a few during Youth Of Today's European tour in 1989. In total, some estimate the band played less than 5 shows. The band also released one 7" ep entitled 'Straight Edge Revenge'.

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Future Trance Vol.41 CD#2 2007
Поделился: astarot
Радиохит 2007 Vol.17 2006
Поделился: astarot

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