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James Hammer


James Hammer, a Minnesoata native, has been involved with the Midwest underground scene for alomst a decade.
James started playing records in 1994. In 1996 James got involved with some prominent local promoters and introduced his sound to various venues and raves. Some of the local venues include First Avenue and Mells Beauty Bar. James has played parties with such headliners as Woody McBride, Nigel Richards, Gene Farris, Derick Carter, and Jerome Baker aka Dj Boris. James has also had the pleasure of playing for Woody in Colorado at the Spring Cleaning Parties.

He began to focus as much time as possible to producing his own music in 2004. Recenly James' good friend Jerome Baker hooked up with Green Velevet and gave him a mix cd with tracks from both James and Jerome. Soon after Jerome went to Chicago to meet with Green Velvet, who liked the tracks and decided to sign Jerome as well as James! Througout all of this James has taken time out to get married and further his education.

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MOS Sessions Presents Cajmere 2006
Поделился: astarot

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