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1)West Coast Rap
2) Independent Label Owner
3)Bay Area sensation

2006 saw the release of Automatic’s freshman solo effort: “Paving the Way”. As many soon found out, the title itself was a statement of intent. Since that initial launch onto map, this Los Angeles based artist, writer, producer has laid down some major roadways in his career. The picture is complete with intersections, side streets, and green lights, as he keeps rollin’ through this carefully crafted domain.

By nature of Automatic’s multiple talents and creative involvements, his tag has been seeing light since way before the above‑mentioned album. In the early 1980’s, Alan R. Dash (Automatic’s Government Name) was born to a hard‑working family in a primarily black neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. Even as a kid, the future‑Automatic’s natural musical inclinations were already at the surface.

Before long, the family was replanted in San Jose, California. Soon he found himself a familiar part of the entire bay area. Automatic broke up a trouble fueled youth by learning to write beats. Hooked on the possibility of being able to actualized the music in his mind, he sought the technology and knowledge, brought a couple of friends into the mix, and the whole thing was on.

He developed his tag and began making tracks for people around the city, but the escape from the real wouldn’t come that easily. Even before leaving high school, Automatic’s day‑to‑day was heavily tied to a scenario of quick cash from the streets, and all the risks it had to offer. With his handcrafted beats in demand, Automatic started grabbing points in the game and letting his name gain recognition. Soon word spread, and with strength worthy of the attention drawn, Automatic went pro.

After a few years of making things go own his own, Automatic hooked up with Dan Genovese. In the attempt to separate himself from his hood‑active lifestyle, Automatic became an invested…читать далее ↓

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Three Drives‑Automatic City-(MD058D)-WEB‑2009 2009
Поделился: Vadima

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