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The Scene is the name of at least four bands; one Dutch, one Canadian, one British and one German, but only the Dutch band ever reached wider fame.

1) A Dutch rock band from Amsterdam called The Scene, formed around singer Thé Lau.

The band was formed in 1979 and had its glory days in the Nineties. The band had a great variety of members throughout the years, but the sound remained basically the same. Thé Lau's characteristic raw and hoarse voice and his hypnotising compositions are the focal point of the band.

At the beginning of 1980, the band is called 'best dutch band without an album' by magazine OOR.

In May of the same year, the first album is released. All the songs are sung in English save for two tracks with lyrics in Dutch. The album is received well by the magazines, yet was commercially less successful.

It took seven years to make a follow‑up (Rij rij rij), due to various occasions. The members in 1987 are, next to Thé Lau, Emilie Blom van Assendelft (bass) and Wim Zeeman (drums).

In 1989, the band welcomes two new members: Otto Cooymans (piano) and Eus van Someren (guitar). The single Rauw, hees, teder is released. Wim Zeeman is replaced by Jeroen Booy in January of 1990. The band also signs a record deal with Phonogram.

The results are the singles Rigoreus and Iedereen is van de wereld and the album Blauw with all‑Dutch lyrics. Everybody is very enthusiastic about this album, especially the people in Belgium.

One year later, the band is invited for the international Torhout/Werchter‑festival. 'Rij Rij Rij' is released again.

The 1992 album Open receives an Edison, a Dutch music award, followed by the 'Popprijs' in 1993.

In October 1993 the next album is released: Avenue de la Scene. This album is a bit darker than the previous ones, and is a bit of a setback. The three singles get some airplay, but aren't big hits.

In April 1996, the album Arena is released on the Island label. This album is produced by Emile den Tex and…читать далее ↓

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Code 2012
Поделилась: Lusen
Selena Gomez, The Scene — Kiss & Tell 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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