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Blues Rock Soul from Germany !

Timo Gross has been living in Heidelberg for about twenty years.He lately has moved to a small village close to the French border to raise his family and find some quietness, when he's off the road.

He got into music, back in the late Seventies, after watching a documentary about the history of modern music on German TV. He saw a backstage interview with Clapton, where he improvised some little Blueslines, and he got hooked. The same year he started playing Gigs and hasn't stopped since.

Through Cream's «Crossroads» and «Spoonful» he 's got connected with the old Bluesguys. But for years he's also been shopping left and right from the Bluespath. Country, Blues, Soul, Funk, Jazz. There is so much inspiring music out there: Prince, Joni Mitchell, Miles Davis were sources of inspiration as well as Albert King, Little Walter or countless other heroes. With curiousity he's also been playing in Country-, Soul-, and Rockbands. It all made sense to find himself as a singer, producer, songwriter, guitarist and a person. Finally he and the Blues – it fits like a glove!

So after twenty years as a sideman backing up Major Artists like Kathy Kelly (Kelly Family), Chris Norman (Smokie) or the German‑Boy‑Band Bed & Breakfast, he finally made his first Blues Record «Down to the Delta» in 2005. It was reviewed very friendly by the German press. The renowned (German) Bluesnews Magazine recommended it as Album of the Month and considered it as «Modern Blues from Germany with versatile guitars, emotionally played, varied and far off any cliches». The French DNA marked me simply as «Un grand monsieur du Blues». The Mannheimer Morgen added: «His Blues doesn't explode from emotional overheat, but fascinates from glimmering lightness and glowing filigree,» while the Meier Magazine simply nailed it as «…cool modern urban City Bluessound».

This lead them into touring
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Blues Ballads 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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